UPDATED at 8:34 AM Monday
So weather does not surprise you #CaptAccurateWx Future Rainfall for Monday and Early Tuesday: 0.67" on average, based on today's model data Today: Cloudy, rainy at times, 80% chance, some sleet may mix in as well, highs near 50° Tonight: More rain showers, 80% chance, rumble of thunder possible during the evening, lows in the mid 40s Tuesday: Early morning rain showers, 40% chance, clouds to hazy sun and warm, highs in the mid 60s Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy, lows in the lower 40s Wednesday: Mostly cloudy, 60% chance of rain showers that could change to snow by later Wednesday night, highs in the upper 40s. Wednesday night: Rain to wet snow showers possible, 20% chance, otherwise, mostly cloudy, lows in the upper 20s Thursday: Early flurries fade, 20% chance, then bright sunshine, cold highs in the lower to mid 40s For the latest 7 Day Forecast for Walland, Fairfield Glade, Jellico or your town, check out the Captain Accurate Weather App. I also have a BRAND NEW horizontal 7 Day Forecast for Knoxville and a BRAND NEW Video, posted daily, on the home page of CaptainAccurate.com and on the Captain Accurate Weather App. Check it out here. Because Accurate forecasts don't grow on trees #CaptAccurateWx P.S. If you find these independent forecasts and posts helpful, please consider supporting me by downloading my NEW Captain Accurate Weather App. It's FREE. Just search: Captain Accurate at the App Store and Google Play. It comes with 5 FREE App Tutorials, so you can quickly learn all the wonderful things it can do. www.CaptainAccurate.com
1 Comment
Lynn clemons
2/24/2020 09:16:29 am
Love it
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